Biography of Brana Blanche BROÏDO, née WEINTRAUB, carried out by an 11th-grade class at the French High School in...
Biography of Eugénie LALLEMAND, née MICHEL researched and written by the 11th- grade class of the Raymond...
EDEL ROBERTEugénie LALLEMAND Salomon Zilber est né le 20 janvier 1904 à Skaudvilé en Lithuanie. Travail réalisé par une classe...
Biography of Robert Wolfgang EDEL, by Nicolas Rouzet, Letters and History teacher at the Don Bosco High School in...
Irmgard aka Erika AUBRY, née HIRSCH ——————————————————————————————————————————- Für unsere deutschsprachigen Leser: Der Text ist unterhalb der englischen Version auch auf...
Mireille ROTTMAN This biography is taken from the project carried out by students in the 10th– and then...
Sarah ROTTMANN The biographies of Mireille and Sarah Rottman were researched by the 10th- and then 11th-grade students...
Source in French. English translation in progress. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in...
The one-way journey of Abraham Albert BOCARRA by Danielle Laguillon Hentati Honorary professor of Italian...
Lajbus MANOWICZ BIOGRAPHY of Lajbus MANOWICZ, researched and written by Alice Duchesnes, M1 Archives 2017-2018, under the supervision of Professor...
Biography of Salomon PASSY written by Vanina Leroux, a 12th-grade student in Letters at the Galilée High School in...
Paul LEVY Paul Lévy came from Schaffhouse-sur-Zorn, an Alsatian village located some twenty kilometers northwest of...
Biography of Bernard JEIFA by Noémie Janin, Master’s Degree Archives of the History Department of the University of Paris...
Nathan STERNCHUSS (1931-1944) Nathan STERNCHUSS (date unknown) Source: Children’s Memorial, Paris, Mémorial de la Shoah. Nathan was the oldest...
Biography of Fanny Marthe LUZZATO, née WEIL (1882-1944) Simone ZIMBARDI, M1 Archives 2017/2018, Student N°: 17806882, under the...
Charlotte LEWIN (1926-2016) Charlotte LEWIN in 1942 Source : FINGER Blanche , KAREL William Karel, La Rafle du Vel d’Hiv…...
Alexandre VORONOFF Presentation of the project Convoi 77 is a project seeking to establish the biographies of...
Moïse BEHAR Moise BEHAR was born on May 6, 1871 in Cairo, Egypt and died on August 4,...
Dr. Lilli SEGAL Lilli Segal was born on June 7, 1913 in Berlin as Lilli Schlesinger and she died...
Bernard GOLDSTEIN Project carried out by the students in the 9th grade at the Michel Richard Delalande Junior High...
10 Lastest biographies
TROSTLI JACQUES Saturday July 9th, 2022
POTZEKA REGINE Saturday July 9th, 2022
PISANTI ALBERT Saturday July 9th, 2022
Marguerite LEVIS Friday July 8th, 2022
Nathan POTZEHA Wednesday July 6th, 2022
HALIMI FORTUNEE Monday July 4th, 2022
HALIMI JOSIANE Monday July 4th, 2022
HALIMI JACQUES Monday July 4th, 2022
HALIMI CLAUDE Monday July 4th, 2022
HALIMI ADOLPHE Monday July 4th, 2022