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On January 27 of this year, the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust, the Convoy... In the town of Delémont, in Switzerland, a street has been renamed after Jeanne Haas-Ulmann, a Jewish woman who... “Each person’s story becomes everyone’s story.” That’s the headline on the front page of the April 2021 edition of... How much do the younger generations in France know about the Holocaust? This question comes up regularly in opinion... On April 7th, 2021 Georges Mayer, president of Convoi 77, participated by video link from Israel in an event... On April, 8th 2021, for Yom HaShoah, a day dedicated in Israel to commemorations of the Jewish genocide during... An interview with Philippe Allouche, Director General of the Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah (Foundation for the... Alain Leray is the Memory and History advisor to the SNCF executive committee, which is a partner of the... Each group will determine its objectives, its method of work, and the division of tasks among its members. Alone or in a group, students will go to the town hall, consult the local archives, look for witnesses, photos, documents. High school students will be able to know and better understand the historical events that took place in their immediate environment, while allowing the memory of deportees of the convoy 77 to be forgotten. Remembering the victims of the Holocaust is a historical obligation for every European. The lessons of the past must not be forgotten. “Never again” starts with remembrance, with passing to the next generation the stories behind the unthinkable numbers of murdered people. With less and less survivors able to tell their personal stories of the horrible crimes and their survival, it is our duty to keep the memory alive. When we give faces to the numbers, we prevent those that perished to disappear in oblivion. “Convoy 77” does just that. In a unique and very impressive way it opens our eyes to the fact that behind every victim, there is a story of a life to be told. The sort of people who leave few traces … Often what I know about them amounts to no more than a simple address. And such topographical precision contrasts with what we shall never know about their life – this blank, this mute block of the unknown. The EU welcomes the commitment by the Association Convoy 77 to teach the history of the Holocaust and the Second World War. Thanks to the active participation of European countries in this project, younger generations will learn that preserving the memory of the Shoah is fundamental to safeguarding European values of tolerance and opennessThe EU welcomes the commitment by the Association Convoy 77 to teach the history of the Holocaust and the Second World War. Thanks to the active participation of European countries in this project, younger generations will learn that preserving the memory of the Shoah is fundamental to safeguarding European values of tolerance and openness The association Fils et Filles des Déportés Juifs de France enthusiastically supports the initiative of Georges Mayer and the association Convoy 77 he created. European project Convoy 77 is innovatory on a European scale and will bring positive results in terms of pedagogy, education and public spiritedness. I truly think the research and work the students are going to undertake with their teachers’ help will fascinate them, and inspire them in their European civic training. I do believe that to listen to a witness is to become a witness in turn. Memory is there to protect us, but we must maintain it, nourish it. The Shoah must not represent only millions of victims, but a victim, plus a victim, so that each of them can be restored to their civil status, their itinerary, their dignity; that they are removed from oblivion and anonymity so that, from objects of history, these names become subjects of history again.
Last minute notice: due to the health situation linked to the pandemy, and the measures taken by the European countries to contain it, the ceremony initially scheduled on 27 January at the Elysée Palace for Convoi 77 will be postponed. Venue to be announced later on.
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Teaching the history of the Shoah in a different way
Presentation of the european Project Convoi 77
Georges Mayer, president of Convoi 77 association, explains the project in this I24News’ video.
News from our association and about projects
Convoy 77 and the students who were honored at the Council of Europe
Charlotte Oberti, , Actu English, Actu France, News, 0
Switzerland: a street of the town Delémont renamed in honor of a deportee from convoy 77
Charlotte Oberti, , Actu English, Actu France, News, 1
A class of 9th graders produces their “Convoy 77 project newspaper”
Charlotte Oberti, , Actu English, Actu France, News, 0
Although some gaps remain, the Holocaust is now a well-known subject among young people
Charlotte Oberti, , Actu English, Actu France, News, 0
Convoi 77 at the International school of Casablanca, Morocco
Charlotte Oberti, , Actu English, Actu France, News, 0
Yom HaShoah: a commemorative ceremony at the French embassy in Israel
Charlotte Oberti, , Actu English, Actu France, News, 0
“Both France and the SNCF have a history of resistance and another, less pleasant past”
Charlotte Oberti, , Actu English, Actu France, , News, 0
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