Biography of Meyer Leib Gurschbarg, born in Bardichev, Russia, in 1888, died in 1944 This biography was written by...
Biography of Bruma GURSCHBARG née ABRAMOVITCH, born in Russia in 1892, died in 1944 This biography was written by...
“Vous qui passez sans me voir” “You who pass by without seeing me” Pierre MANUEL ...
Yvette LEVY, née DREYFUSS Photo taken in March 2019, by Laurence Krongelb, during Yvette Levy’s testimony at the high school....
Suzanne Boukobza, née Barman This biography was written by Iman K., Oviya S. and Sara H., 10th grade students...
Source in French. English translation in progress. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in...
Biography of Jean BENDER This biography was researched, documented and written by two classes of 9th grade pupils...
Biography of Dora BENDER This biography was researched, documented and written by two classes of 9th grade pupils...
Biography of Jacques BENDER This biography was researched, documented and written by two classes of 9th grade pupils from...
Avram LEIBOVICI Unfortunately, we do not have a photograph of Avram. Avram Leibovici was born on November 15, 1889...
David HOLZ This biography was written by the 9th grade ‘B’ class of the Jules Ferry secondary school in...
Abraham FRIDMAN Photograph opposite taken at his home in October 2011. Abraham Fridman was born on Sunday,...
Biography of Georges J. Harden (1906-1983) Adjacent: Birth certificate, translated into French, with marriage certificate attached. Unfortunately, no...
Biography of Salomon Kasmen (15/06/1875) Biography researched and drafted by Elodie GERFAUD, first year Master’s student in Archives 2017-2018,...
Biography of Denise KLOTZ with historical references This biography and Lucienne’s are dedicated to the memory of Florence Dollfus-Heilbronn,...
Biography of Lucienne KLOTZ with historical references This biography, as well as Denise’s, is dedicated to the memory of...
Jacob FREIDINE written by Vincent SZUKALA, a student working for his Master of Archive Science Degree 2017-2018, under the...
Jeanne FEINSTEIN née FHAL, remarried VIRLEUX Jeanne Virleux née Fhal is one of the 1,310 deportees of convoy 77...
Brucha Berthe BLINDERMANN Brucha Berthe Blindermann (née Zabroniecka) was born on September 10, 1888 in Warsaw, Poland. She was...
Berel BRYKMAN The image on the left is a French translation of the marriage certificate of Berel and Hela. ...
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