We are the children, grandchildren, families or friends of deportees of the convoy 77; that is what binds us, brings us together.
We live in different countries, we are young or old, Jews and non-Jews, believers or atheists, all of us sharing the same commitment:
- To learn and make known the fate of 1306 men, women, children, who on the 31st of July1944 left Drancy for Auschwitz in cattle cars.
- To continue the work of the survivors and to participate actively to the transmission of the memory of the Holocaust.
- To associate to our endeavour men and women of goodwill who believe that the combat against discrimination and hate means awareness of the processes that led to the Holocaust.
The convoy 77 was the last large convoy to leave Drancy for Auschwitz on July 31th 1944, carrying to the extermination camp 1306 men, women and children.
Our association aims to rally around the families and friends of the deportees of the convoy 77 all those concerned with the Memory of the Holocaust, in order to perpetuate the memory of the deportees, of their story, of their destiny, and to participate in passing on the remembrance of the Holocaust, as well as in Holocaust research and education.
The association places its project at a public interest level by being open to everyone and by preserving the non-religious, non-political, and non-profit nature of its activities.
In all circumstances, the association guarantees a democratic and transparent method of operation, and preserve the disinterested character of its management.

A tribute to Serge and Beate Klarsfeld
The actions undertaken by our association would not have been possible if it were not for the work, commitment and determination of Serge and Beate Klarsfeld.
They have tirelessly sought documents, gathered evidence, published reports, raised awareness to make known the fate of the deportees, and the responsibilities of those who colluded in their extermination.
Serge and Beate Klarsfeld are our inspirations, our mentors; they are an example to us.
They enabled us to follow in their footsteps. We thank them from the bottom of our hearts.
Our team
- Georges Mayer – President
- Véronique Likforman – General secretary
- Henri Assouline – Treasurer
- Alain Crémieux
- Richard Duquenoy
- Jacky Jacubert
- Bella Haymann
- Ghislaine Likforman
- Anne Magnant
- Muriel Nemoz
- Renée Zejgman-Fauguet
Historical advisers
- Laurent Joly, Research Director at CNRS
- Sandrine Labeau and Alexandre Doulut, authors of reference books on archival documents about deportees
- Marie-Anne Matard-Bonucci, Professor of contemporary history at Paris VIII, author of many books dealing of, among others, fascism and antiSemitism
- Claire Podetti, History teacher