Violette Bar Siman Tov, 13 November, 1925 – April 1945 by Roy Bar Siman Tov Photo of Violette with her...
Biographies de DéportésDeportees biographies
Biography of Hermann Hagenauer ——————————————————————————————————————– Für unsere deutschsprachigen Leser: Die Biografie ist unterhalb der französischen Version auch auf englisch...
In memory of Dario BOCCARA Photo of Dario BOCCARA from the Shoah Memorial in Paris by Danielle Laguillon Hentati...
Biography of Meyer Leib Gurschbarg, born in Bardichev, Russia, in 1888, died in 1944 This biography was written by...
Biography of Bruma GURSCHBARG née ABRAMOVITCH, born in Russia in 1892, died in 1944 This biography was written by...
“Vous qui passez sans me voir” “You who pass by without seeing me” Pierre MANUEL ...
Biography of Mr Marcel MICHEL (1907-1944) Photo of Marcel Michel taken in Normandy at a property belonging to his...
Yvette LEVY, née DREYFUSS Photo taken in March 2019, by Laurence Krongelb, during Yvette Levy’s testimony at the high school....
Suzanne Boukobza, née Barman This biography was written by Iman K., Oviya S. and Sara H., 10th grade students...
Source in French. English translation in progress. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in...
The tragic odyssey of the young Eddy SANDMANN Since we do not have a photograph of Eddy, his birth...
Biography of Jean BENDER This biography was researched, documented and written by two classes of 9th grade pupils...
Biography of Dora BENDER This biography was researched, documented and written by two classes of 9th grade pupils...
Biography of Jacques BENDER This biography was researched, documented and written by two classes of 9th grade pupils from...
Biography of Albert CARCASSONNE This biography of Albert Carcassonne was researched and written by some of the 9th grade...
Paul BIELSCHOWSKY Picture from family record Biography initially documented and written by Gabriela Mangot, Khanh Linh Kowalczyk, Eliza Hermetz...
Avram LEIBOVICI Unfortunately, we do not have a photograph of Avram. Avram Leibovici was born on November 15, 1889...
David HOLZ This biography was written by the 9th grade ‘B’ class of the Jules Ferry secondary school in...
Abraham FRIDMAN Photograph opposite taken at his home in October 2011. Abraham Fridman was born on Sunday,...
10 Lastest biographies
TROSTLI JACQUES Saturday July 9th, 2022
POTZEKA REGINE Saturday July 9th, 2022
PISANTI ALBERT Saturday July 9th, 2022
Marguerite LEVIS Friday July 8th, 2022
Nathan POTZEHA Wednesday July 6th, 2022
HALIMI FORTUNEE Monday July 4th, 2022
HALIMI JOSIANE Monday July 4th, 2022
HALIMI JACQUES Monday July 4th, 2022
HALIMI CLAUDE Monday July 4th, 2022
HALIMI ADOLPHE Monday July 4th, 2022