Lison Bloch For this biographical work, we have chosen to focus on the journey of two people from Convoy...
Biographies de DéportésDeportees biographies
Augustine WOLFF, born WITTGENSTEIN The “Convoy 77” project, in collaboration with the European Union. . . Birth Augustine Wolff,...
Simone Bloch For this biographical work, we have chosen to focus on the journey of two people from Convoy...
Zlata WALDBERG-DAWIDZON Our names are Anna, Kaja, Judyta, Kacper and Katarzyna. We are students in the literature stream...
Mojsze Icchok SZWINDLER This biography was originally researched and produced by class 1c of the “European Union” no. 1...
Jeanne Haas, née Ulmann Photo from the Shoah Memorial in Paris Introduction Have you ever wanted time to pass more quickly?...
Gołda GRUSZKA, née SZAJEWICZ Gołda Gruszka, née Szajewicz, was born on October 20, 1888 in Radomsko, Poland. She was...
Fernande Messaoudi Amouyal Birth Fernande Messaouda Amouyal was born on April 30, 1929. Her father, Mouchi Amouyal, was from Morocco and her mother, Djour Amouyal, was from Algeria....
Hermann SPATZ Hermann Spatz, born on February 3, 1912, lived in his hometown of Essen. In 1939, he was...
Selma LUFT Selma Luft was born on September 28, 1913 in Elberfeld, which is now Wuppertal, in Germany. Her parents Henriette Goldberg and Adolphe Wolkowitsch. The...
Louise Caraco Before the war Louise Cadoum Caraco, maiden name Alcabez, was born on April 22, 1911, in Lyon....
Eva ISRAEL, born JOSEPH Photo from the Victims of Contemporary Conflicts Archives Division of the Ministry of Defense Historical...
Léonore Ichheiser This is an outline biography of Léonore Ichheiser, which could be expanded upon in future by another...
Joseph LEVY Joseph Lévy was born on March 23, 1880 in Constantinople (Istanbul) and died on July 31, 1944...
Rachel LEVY, born NAMIAS Rachel Lévy, née Namias, was born on January 25, 1890 in Thessaloniki, Greece. Rachel was...
Régina Bernstein Since there are no photographs of Regina, we are showing her birth certificate. Preamble or note of...
Eliette MEYER (1904-1944) Eliette Meyer ©Claude Bloch family archives As part of the Devoir de Mémoire (“Duty...
Alain JURKIEWICZ Since we have no photo of Alain Jurkiewicz, we are showing an artist’s impression drawn by Shèmsie...
Ernest MANDELBAUM This undated photo of Ernest, taken in Paris, is from records held by the Victims of Contemporary...
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