ROCHWERG Henriette

1896 - 1944 | Birth: | Arrest: |


Information and photos compiled by Annie Rochwerg d’Enfert, Henriette’s cousin, to serve as a basis for a volunteer class to continue with the research with the help of the Convoy 77 association, which has an extensive collection of archives at its disposal.

Henriette Riomann was born in the 18th district of Paris on November 2, 1896. Her parents, Salomon Riomann and Sarah Ratmann were originally from Kiev, in the Ukraine. Her father was a shoemaker and her mother had a store in the Four Seasons gallery. In 1925, at the age of 28, Henriette married Salomon Rochwerg, a cabinetmaker and antique dealer. Salomon was born in Ozarow in Poland and had lived in France since 1914. They had an only daughter, Irene, born in 1926.
Henriette was general supervisor of an orphanage founded by the Union of French Jews, the UGIF (Union Générale des Jews of France) located at 30, rue saint-Hilaire in La Varenne, in the Val de Marne department.

On Saturday 22 July, 1944 a roundup took place at the orphanage. By order of SS Captain Aloïs

Brunner, Nazi soldiers and collaborators invaded the building. In the midst of indescribable chaos, 28 Jewish children between the ages of 4 and 11 were arrested and taken to the Drancy camp. They were deported, along with the supervisory staff, including Henriette Rochwerg, on July 31, 1944 on Convoy No. 77, and murdered in Auschwitz a few days later.

A commemorative plaque has been erected in the Hillel centre in La Varenne, which has since replaced the orphanage.


Birth and death years: 1896-1944
Place of birth: Paris
Town where arrested: La Varenne-Saint-Hilaire, 94120 St-Maur-des-Fossés
Age when arrested: 48
Residence: Paris
Contributor: Annie Rochwerg

Other information:
Parents: Salomon Riomann (1849-1963) and Sarah Ratmann (1860-1941)
Spouse: Salomon Rochwerg (1888-1960)
Marriage: 28 May 1925
Child: Irène (1926-2013)




Annie Rochwerg d’Enfert, Henriette’s cousin.



Annie Rochwerg d'Enfert, sa cousine.
  1. Henriette Lisieux, granddaughter of Henriette Rochwerg 4 years ago

    May her memory remain a blessing.

  2. Liz Folb 4 years ago

    trying to find info on Rochwerg family. My grandfather was Philip Rochwerg. He had a brother Moisha. Found a letter from Moisha’s daughter (Fela Rochwerg) dated 1949 written to Philip. It says they both lived in Warsaw and that she left for Israel in 1936. I know that my grandfather was in Canada and then came to the United States to be with his daughters ( frances and shirley) probably in the late forties early fifties. Another niece of my grandfather was Margot Rochwerg. who also wrote my grandfather in 1949 and was living in Israel working in a sweater factory. She mentions someone named Herta that I don’t know. In the letter from Margot, she says she has a 7 yr old daughter named Nurit that is living on kibbutz ( 7 yrs in 1949) Have you heard of any of these people?

  3. mickey Lisieux 4 years ago

    I will copy your question and pass it on to another member of the Rochwerg family. She knows a lot more than I do

  4. mickey Lisieux 4 years ago

    I have passed your message on to another relative who may know more. Stay in touch, and good luck.

  5. mickey Lisieux 4 years ago

    Liz Folb Here is what my cousin wrote after reading our message….Our Rochwerg family was not living in Warsaw at all, but in Ozarow and Brzeziny. I know that a branch of the Rochwerg migrated to London and another branch to Canada, but I do not think our relationship with this branch was very close.
    Have you tried testing your DNA some of us met this way with confirmation of our relationships.

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