1871 - 1944 | Birth: , | Arrest: , | Residence: , ,



Moise BEHAR was born on May 6, 1871 in Cairo, Egypt and died on August 4, 1944 at Auschwitz. He was a victim of the genocide of the Jews of Europe, along with more than six million other Jews.

Moïse BEHAR was the son of Salomon and Juliette BEHAR, about whose social milieu and lives we know nothing. We do know that he married Mathilde COHEN in Cairo and that their union produced a child named Salomon.

His godfather, Beni Arditti, was arrested at the same time as his parents.

Unfortunately, we have no other information on him. However, Salomon BEHAR was sent to the war before his family’s arrest.

He must have still been alive at the end of the war, as he sent letters to the Ministry for Prisoners, Deportees, and Refugees seeking news of his parents.

That is how we obtained more information on Moïse BEHAR.


The BEHAR family lived in Toulon, at n° 37 chemin de la Colette.


Their life changed when the GESTAPO (the secret police of the Nazi regime to whom was assigned the task of combating internal and external opponents, real or imaginary, and the enemies and resistance fighters in the occupied countries, it was synonymous with terror and arbitrary action) arrested them on November 24, 1943. It played an essential role in the extermination of the European Jews.

The BEHAR family was taken to the Saint Roch prison in Toulon.


From there Moïse and Mathilde BEHAR were deported on March 11, 1944 to the camp at Drancy, located northeast of Paris, a camp where people were interned before being deported to the extermination camps.

They were there until shortly before the liberation of Paris.

Moïse BEHAR was deported on the following July 30th at the age of 73 in convoy 77, one of the last convoys from France to the camp at Auschwitz, one of the biggest concentration and extermination camps.


According to the Minister for the Veterans and Victims of War, deportees over 55 or under 14 were systematically exterminated upon their arrival at the camp, approximately 5 days after their departure from France.

It must therefore be presumed that Moïse BEHAR was murdered on August 5, 1944, soon after his deportation.


Sarah Ghaly et Raphaël Bedros, dans la classe d'Ali Chikouche, professeur d'histoire géographie au lycée français du Caire.
  1. klejman laurence 6 years ago

    A propos de Salomon, le fils : il s’est engagé le 18 juin 1940 pour rejoindre la France Libre: ” En partant de France le 18 juin 1940 pour rejoindre l’armée britannique, j’ai laissé à Toulon, dans mon appartement, 37 chemin de la Colette, (ses parents et son parent). Le 24 novembre 1943, la Gestapo… prison St Roch. Fin décembre 1943, les malheureux ont été transférés au Fort St Jean à Marseille, puis à Drancy (…)”
    Une réponse lui est donnée en mai 1945, à Leicester, GB; où il était sans doute stationné comme militaire. Il indique que ses parents sont de nationalité “portugaise”, et cherche aussi Beni ARDITTI , 50 ans, Français, domicilié à la même adresse.
    Ses parents s’étaient mariés en 1900 (dossier 21 P 422 831).
    Le 7 mai 1948, le jugement déclaratif des parents BEHAR est fait à la demande de Salomon BEHAR, commerçant à Toulon, 71 rue Jean-Jaurès.
    Les Behar sont donc arrivés de Marseille à Drancy. Le 11 mars 1944, ils laissent une paire de boucles d’oreille en métal blanc et pierres (carnet de fouille, Drancy).

  2. klejman laurence 5 years ago

    Arrêté et interné à Marseille, transféré à Drancy le 11/3/44
    Prison St Roch à Toulon 24/11/43 au 17/12/43
    “Réquisitions opérées par le service de sûreté allemand de Marseille Fichier Marseille L-A
    17/4/44 + arrestation 17/4/44. NB/ Ce qui n’est pas compatible avec la date d’arrivée à Drancy (11 mars 44). Mais il s’agit bien de la même adresse.
    Réquisition : 6 415 francs 1 montre en or ; 1 autre montre en or, 1 bague en or avec petit diamant
    Juif recherché sur ordre de Toulon (BD5) arrestation ferme.”

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