Source in French. English translation in progress. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in...
Archive for category: Convoi 77 in the news
Convoy 77 on the website of l’Elysée, the French Presidential Palace
Charlotte Oberti, , Convoi 77 in the news, 0To mark the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust on 27 January, the French government...
Le Républicain Lorrain – Des lycéens récompensés pour la biographie de Charlotte Schuhmann
Charlotte Oberti, , Convoi 77 in the news, 0Source in French. English translation in progress. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in...
Le Progrès – 10 élèves récompensés par le Conseil de l’Europe
Charlotte Oberti, , Convoi 77 in the news, 0Source in French. English translation in progress. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in...
Convoy 77 cited as an example of best practice in the book “Territoires vivants de la République”
Charlotte Oberti, , Actu France, Convoi 77 in the news, 0In “Territoires vivants de la République”*, (Living areas of the French Republic) A collective work compiled by Benoît Falaize...
“Convoy 77” is cited in a book by Iannis Roder
Charlotte Oberti, , Actu France, Convoi 77 in the news, 0Iannis Roder, a historian, member of the Conseil des sages de laïcité (Council of Wise Men on Secularism), history...
Convoi 77 dans un article du magazine Enseignement Catholique Actualités
Charlotte Oberti, , Actu France, Convoi 77 in the news, 0Source in French. English translation in progress. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in...
FRANCE 24 – Le projet Convoi 77 à l’honneur pour la journée en mémoire des victimes de la Shoah
Charlotte Oberti, , Actu France, Convoi 77 in the news, 0Source in French. English translation in progress. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in...
Source in French. English translation in progress. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in...
ArcInfo – Une rue baptisée en mémoire d’une victime du convoi 77
Charlotte Oberti, , Actu France, Convoi 77 in the news, 0Source in French. English translation in progress. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in...
Le Hors-Série Histoire du magazine Ça m'intéresse propose un focus sur le projet Convoi 77 mené par les 3e...
Le Patriote Résistant Newspaper shared a Convoi 77 Project
Alain Dassas, , Convoi 77 in the news, [:fr]A la une[:en]News[:], 0The French Newspaper "Le Patriote Résistant" published a series of articles about a class project. Pupils worked on a...
ECA parle de Convoi 77 et de plusieurs projets menés dans des classes.
Yvette Lévy, survivor of convoi 77, was awarded the 30th of april.
Liberation – How to transmit Shoah remembrance to young pupils ?
Alain Dassas, , Convoi 77 in the news, 0This article was published in the French newspaper Liberation on january 2019.
Pupils from Athis-Mons high school awarded Ilan Halimi first price for their work, participating at Convoi 77 project.
Aggiornamento – Teaching Shoah in a different way, a project
Alain Dassas, , Convoi 77 in the news, 0This article was published in march 2019 on a website dedicated to history teachers.
Article paru sur le site des Clionautes en février 2019. à Vienne – Zentrales Seminar 2018: “Wien 1938”
Veronique Likforman, , Convoi 77 in the news, [:fr]A la une[:en]News[:], Convoi 77,, Vienne, Zentrales Seminar 2018: "Wien 1938", 0Ida Richter, étudiante allemande à Sciences Po a présenté notre association et notre projet lors d'un séminaire pour des...
L’Office National des Anciens Combattants apporte son soutien au Projet Européen Convoi 77
Serge Jacubert, , Convoi 77 in the news, [:fr]A la une[:en]News[:], 0Une convention de partenariat a été signée avec l’Office National des Anciens Combattants dans le but de sensibiliser les...
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