A seminar dedicated to the Second Word War in France and the work of the Convoi 77 association took...
Archive for category: [:fr]A la une[:en]News[:]
Le lycée international Charles de Gaulle de Dijon primé à la cérémonie “Héritiers de Mémoire”
Serge Jacubert, , [:fr]A la une[:en]News[:], 0Source in French. English translation in progress. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in...
On december, Serge Jacubert, head of relations with teachers for Convoi 77 association, gave a lecture during a training...
Le Patriote Résistant Newspaper shared a Convoi 77 Project
Alain Dassas, , Convoi 77 in the news, [:fr]A la une[:en]News[:], 0The French Newspaper "Le Patriote Résistant" published a series of articles about a class project. Pupils worked on a...
Pupils from middle school Delalande at Athis-Mons presented some recordings of their historical investigation about Bender family.
Miramas’ pupils submitted their project through a theatre show
Alain Dassas, , [:fr]A la une[:en]News[:], 0Pupils from high school at Miramas, in the south of France, submitted their historical investigation about Francis Reiss, deported...
Convoi 77 association attended the ceremony in memory of the 5 300 Sephardim deported from France at the Mémorial...
Pupils from different countries can work together on a biography thanks to a dedicated virtual space on eTwinning.
Award ceremony at the Polin Museum of the History of Polish Jews, in Warsaw
Alain Dassas, , [:fr]A la une[:en]News[:], 0Pupils from French high school received diplomas from officials at Polin Museum of Warsaw for their Convoi 77 project...
Presentation at the Sorbonne about the Convoi 77 project
Alain Dassas, , [:fr]A la une[:en]News[:], 0Aleksandra Engler-Malinowska, coordinator of our project in Poland, introduced Convoi 77 association at la Sorbonne during the 8th symposium...
Convoi 77's president met UE ambassador in Israel.
Yvette Lévy and Daniel Urbejtel, survivors from convoy 77, told their stories for Sciences Po's students.
First price from Foundation Ernest and Claire Heilbronn to a project
Alain Dassas, , [:fr]A la une[:en]News[:], 0On march the 7th, Ernest and Claire Heilbronn Foundation awarded a class project participating at Convoi 77 project.
For the commemoration day of Shoah's victims, pupils from two high schools participating at Convoi 77 project explained their...
Erinnern.at à Vienne – Zentrales Seminar 2018: “Wien 1938”
Veronique Likforman, , Convoi 77 in the news, [:fr]A la une[:en]News[:], Convoi 77, Erinnern.at, Vienne, Zentrales Seminar 2018: "Wien 1938", 0Ida Richter, étudiante allemande à Sciences Po a présenté notre association et notre projet lors d'un séminaire pour des...
L’Office National des Anciens Combattants apporte son soutien au Projet Européen Convoi 77
Serge Jacubert, , Convoi 77 in the news, [:fr]A la une[:en]News[:], 0Une convention de partenariat a été signée avec l’Office National des Anciens Combattants dans le but de sensibiliser les...
19/09/2018. Réunion d’information des enseignants de l’académie de Metz Nancy
Serge Jacubert, , [:fr]A la une[:en]News[:], 0Source in French. English translation in progress. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in...
Colloque Association, enseignants et élèves Sciences Po Paris, le 12 mai 2018
webmestre, , Convoi 77 in the news, [:fr]A la une[:en]News[:], 0Source in French. English translation in progress. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in...
Signature of an agreement between the Association of the families and friends of the deportees of Convoy 77, and the Paris Police Prefecture
webmestre, , Convoi 77 in the news, [:fr]A la une[:en]News[:], 0On Monday, March 12, the President of the Convoy 77 Association and the Prefect of the Paris Police signed...
10 Lastest biographies
TROSTLI JACQUES Saturday July 9th, 2022
POTZEKA REGINE Saturday July 9th, 2022
PISANTI ALBERT Saturday July 9th, 2022
Marguerite LEVIS Friday July 8th, 2022
Nathan POTZEHA Wednesday July 6th, 2022
HALIMI FORTUNEE Monday July 4th, 2022
HALIMI JOSIANE Monday July 4th, 2022
HALIMI JACQUES Monday July 4th, 2022
HALIMI CLAUDE Monday July 4th, 2022
HALIMI ADOLPHE Monday July 4th, 2022