Source in French. English translation in progress. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in...
Author Archive for: webmestre
Signature of an agreement between the Association of the families and friends of the deportees of Convoy 77, and the Paris Police Prefecture
webmestre, , Convoi 77 in the news, [:fr]A la une[:en]News[:], 0On Monday, March 12, the President of the Convoy 77 Association and the Prefect of the Paris Police signed...
Georges Mayer – Najat Vallaud Belkacem
Journée de la mémoire des génocides et de la prévention des crimes contre l’humanité
webmestre, , Uncategorized, 0Source in French. English translation in progress. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in...
Projet “Convoi 77” : donner un visage, une identité aux victimes de la Shoah
webmestre, , Convoi 77 in the news, 0Le 27 janvier 2017, à l’occasion de la Journée internationale dédiée à la mémoire des victimes de la Shoah,...
Day of remembrance of genocides and crimes against humanity, focus on CONVOY 77 in 2017
webmestre, , [:fr]A la une[:en]News[:], 0High school students are invited, within the frame of the European project convoi 77, to conduct historical research on...
Day of remembrance of genocides and crimes against humanity, CONVOY 77, discussion with students involved
webmestre, , Convoi 77 in the news, [:fr]A la une[:en]News[:], 0Day of remembrance of genocides and crimes against humanity, CONVOY 77, discussion with students involved.
The Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah, support to the project preparation
webmestre, , Convoi 77 in the news, 1April 2015 – European project Convoi 77, initiated by Georges Mayer, was officially launched in Israel on the first...
Embassy of France, 19 Ambassadors for the Project Convoi 77
webmestre, , Convoi 77 in the news, [:fr]A la une[:en]News[:], 2Yesterday, the “European Project Convoi 77” initiated by Georges Mayer was officially launched at the Maison de France in...
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PISANTI ALBERT Saturday July 9th, 2022
Marguerite LEVIS Friday July 8th, 2022
Nathan POTZEHA Wednesday July 6th, 2022
HALIMI FORTUNEE Monday July 4th, 2022
HALIMI JOSIANE Monday July 4th, 2022
HALIMI JACQUES Monday July 4th, 2022
HALIMI CLAUDE Monday July 4th, 2022
HALIMI ADOLPHE Monday July 4th, 2022