Marine Lechat, Vincent Terrasson de Fougère and their students worked on the biography of Chasja Moinet, a deportee who...
Author Archive for: Charlotte.OB
Ghyslaine Schweizer: “This project enabled my students to take the initiative”
Charlotte Oberti, , In teachers' words, 0Ghyslaine Schweizer and her vocational high school students worked on the biography of Marcel Michel, a slate worker, then...
Yvan Leclère: “The deportees whose lives we worked on remain with me”
Charlotte Oberti, , In teachers' words, 0Yvan Leclère, History and Geography teacher at the French International High School in Vilnius, Lithuania, and his students worked...
Blandine Renard: “Our students have grown and matured through this project”
Charlotte Oberti, , In teachers' words, 0Blandine Renard, Olivier Charnay and students from the Alexis Kandelaft high school in Chazay d’Azergues, in the Rhône department...
Friederike Scharf: “I am confident that the majority of students will never forget this project”
Charlotte Oberti, , In teachers' words, 0During the 2017-2018 school year, Friederike Scharf and seven students from a 11th grade class at the Akademisches Gymnasium...
Bruno Mandaroux: “My students and I feel that we have done something useful”
Charlotte Oberti, , In teachers' words, 1Bruno Mandaroux and his students at the Louis Vincent high school in Metz worked on the biography of Charlotte...
Convoi 77 lance une douzaine de projets multinationaux
Charlotte Oberti, , Actu France, Uncategorized, [:fr]A la une[:en]News[:], 0Source in French. English translation in progress. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in...
Une classe réalise un web documentaire sur les coulisses de son travail pour Convoi 77
Charlotte Oberti, , Actu France, [:fr]A la une[:en]News[:], 0Source in French. English translation in progress. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in...
Switzerland: a street of the town Delémont renamed in honor of a deportee from convoy 77
Charlotte Oberti, , Actu English, Actu France, [:fr]A la une[:en]News[:], 1In the town of Delémont, in Switzerland, a street has been renamed after Jeanne Haas-Ulmann, a Jewish woman who...
Nouveau logo, nouveau look pour Convoi 77
Charlotte Oberti, , Actu France, [:fr]A la une[:en]News[:], 0Source in French. English translation in progress. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in...
A class of 9th graders produces their “Convoy 77 project newspaper”
Charlotte Oberti, , Actu English, Actu France, [:fr]A la une[:en]News[:], 0“Each person’s story becomes everyone’s story.” That’s the headline on the front page of the April 2021 edition of...
Convoy 77 cited as an example of best practice in the book “Territoires vivants de la République”
Charlotte Oberti, , Actu France, Convoi 77 in the news, 0In “Territoires vivants de la République”*, (Living areas of the French Republic) A collective work compiled by Benoît Falaize...
Although some gaps remain, the Holocaust is now a well-known subject among young people
Charlotte Oberti, , Actu English, Actu France, [:fr]A la une[:en]News[:], 0How much do the younger generations in France know about the Holocaust? This question comes up regularly in opinion...
“Convoy 77” is cited in a book by Iannis Roder
Charlotte Oberti, , Actu France, Convoi 77 in the news, 0Iannis Roder, a historian, member of the Conseil des sages de laïcité (Council of Wise Men on Secularism), history...
Convoi 77 at the International school of Casablanca, Morocco
Charlotte Oberti, , Actu English, Actu France, [:fr]A la une[:en]News[:], 0On April 7th, 2021 Georges Mayer, president of Convoi 77, participated by video link from Israel in an event...
Yom HaShoah: a commemorative ceremony at the French embassy in Israel
Charlotte Oberti, , Actu English, Actu France, [:fr]A la une[:en]News[:], 0On April, 8th 2021, for Yom HaShoah, a day dedicated in Israel to commemorations of the Jewish genocide during...
European Parliament: Working Group Against Antisemitism invites Convoi 77 to join a webinar
Charlotte Oberti, , Actu France, [:fr]A la une[:en]News[:], 0On April, 21, Convoi 77 attended a webinar organised by the European Parliament’s Working Group Against Antisemitism and the European Jewish Congress...
Each convoy should have its own association
Charlotte Oberti, , Actu English, Actu France, [:fr]A la une[:en]News[:], 0An interview with Philippe Allouche, Director General of the Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah (Foundation for the...
Les recommandations de l’IHRA pour bien enseigner la Shoah
Charlotte Oberti, , Actu France, ticker, ticker, [:fr]A la une[:en]News[:], 0Source in French. English translation in progress. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in...
“La connaissance est toujours un remède contre l’obscurantisme”
Charlotte Oberti, , Actu France, [:fr]A la une[:en]News[:], 0Source in French. English translation in progress. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in...
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